Scorpion Tracker and Immobiliser.

The Thatcham-approved Scorpion S5 Motorhome Tracker provides robust protection against theft. Featuring Automatic Driver Recognition, unauthorised movement detection, and more, it's insurer-recognized, offers nationwide installation, live tracking, and 24/7 control center monitoring. Includes theft alerts, European coverage, and compatibility wi...



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The Thatcham-approved Scorpion S5 Motorhome Tracker provides robust protection against theft. Featuring Automatic Driver Recognition, unauthorised movement detection, and more, it's insurer-recognized, offers nationwide installation, live tracking, and 24/7 control center monitoring. Includes theft alerts, European coverage, and compatibility with a free mobile app.

Travelworld, off junction 14 of the M6, has the largest array of premium German built motorhomes in the UK market including CaradoDethleffsLaika, HYMER and Niesmann + BischoffView our new and used motorhome and camper van stock here.