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This estimate is based on the costs of labour and materials relevant at this date and the Company reserves the right to alter the charges to meet any variations, whether due to increase in wages (controlled by national agreements), materials or increased cost from any other cause.
Should any additional work or materials be found necessary in the course of these repairs or subsequent testing, it will be necessary to make an extra charge. Where this additional work involves a substantial increase in the amount estimated, a supplementary estimate will be submitted for acceptance.
Where new paintwork is required and the metal work is found to be rusted, every reasonable precaution will be taken to prevent this penetrating through after completion of painting, but no guarantee can be given in this respect. If partial paintwork only is required every endeavour will be made to match the existing colour schemes, but no guarantee can be given of a perfect colour match.
The Company shall give the estimated time for the repair of a vehicle and shall make every effort to inform the Customer if this estimated time cannot be met, although it can accept no responsibility for delays outside its control.
Payment in respect of any services or work undertaken shall be made on or prior to taking delivery of the vehicle unless a credit account has been opened.
Where the Company contracts to carry out a defined repair or diagnostic operation, the Company’s liability shall be limited to the performance of such work as may be defined by the standard manufacturer’s schedule as coming within the scope of such operation.
The Company and its employees and agents are expressly authorized to use the customer’s vehicle on the highway and elsewhere for all purposes in connection with the work outlined. The Company undertakes to take reasonable care of the vehicle so used, and to provide legally required insurance of the vehicle.
The customer acknowledges that the Company has a legal lien upon any vehicle or vehicles left with the Company for supply of goods and services for all monies due from the customer on any account.
Subject to the provisions of the Unfair Contract Terms Act 1997 and any amendment thereof vehicles, including components, fittings and contents are left with the Company entirely at the customer’s risk. The Company shall in no circumstances be liable for loss or damage thereto or for delay in completing service or repairs howsoever occasioned and whether by reason of any act or default of the Company, its employees or agents.
If the customer shall become bankrupt or insolvent or make any agreements with the creditors or allow a receiver of his effects to be appointed or being a body corporate enter into liquidation, the Company shall have the right to terminate any agreement with the customer subject to these conditions and henceforth cease to have any further obligation under the contract. In these circumstances the price for all the services rendered and goods supplied shall
Nothing herein is designed to, nor will it affect a customer’s statutory rights